Clitoxin for Improved Female Sexual Function

You may have heard of the O-Shot and PRP. Clitoxin is the combination of the O-Shot and Botulinum Toxin injected to improve blood flow and nerve function as well as arousal and pleasure.

The O-Shot has been around for over a decade now. I have been treating patients and teaching how to do the injections since 2015. It is the use of your own blood to obtain the best Growth Factors and anti-inflammatory proteins called Cytokines and giving it back to you via an injection or device to put it deep under your skin (e.g. Predictive Permeation). The inventor, Charles Runels, MD, and his wife Alexandra Runels, MD, have changed the landscape with the introduction of the Clitoxin injection.

Many women loose sensitivity of their clitoris and G-Spot areas as they age or are traumatized by childbirth or pelvic surgeries. Menopausal changes reduce the blood flow to the superficial skin and deeper structures. Blood vessels are not as open and dilated as before and less blood carrying nourishing oxygen hits the tissues. Loss of blood flow leads to loss of collagen and elastin which leads to dry and rigid vaginas and painful dry sex. Orgasms take longer to achieve and it becomes more work to “get there.” As testosterone levels decline there can be loss of desire that goes along with loss of confidence. That is the basic core issue of aging and sexual function.

There have been treatments available to help with these conditions such as estrogen creams and pills, Carboxytherapy, and radiofrequency and laser treatments to the genital areas. PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) has been injected into the clitoris and G-Spot areas to improve blood flow, nerve function, sensitivity, and at times arousal. The trademark name for this is “O-Shot.” It has been safe and life changing for many. Now, with the addition of botulinum toxin, there is triggering of arousal, desire, lubrication, orgasm, and sexual satisfaction. Now available to you in our offices. Listen in on the presentation by Charles Runels on how he thinks Clitoxin works to improve sexual function. If you want to listen in on the Scientific Presentation given by Dr. Chales Runels and his wife Dr. Alexandr Runels at this past March’s ISCG Congress (International Society of Cosmetogynecology) then click HERE.

The Alinsod Institute in Dallas and Las Vegas are Centers of Excellence for Feminine Wellness and are providers of O-Shot, Clitoxin, Vampire Procedures.

Clitoxin Summary of Mechanism of Action…

After Injecting botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT) into the clitoris, it is thought that (1) it is taken up by endocytosis and then migrates by axonal transport to the ganglion embedded in the wall of the vagina; (2) these ganglia then signal (through afferent autonomic nerves in the inferior hypogastric plexus) to trigger the hypothalamus (where the arousal center resides); (3) the activated hypothalamus triggers (through efferents going back to the genitalia and to the cerebral cortex) arousal, desire, and lubrication, and facilitate orgasm, combining to increase sexual satisfaction in the woman. This is in addition to the neovascularization, neurogenesis, and local vasodilation triggered by the BoNT. These effects can be amplified when the BoNT is combined with the regenerative properties of platelet-rich plasma.

CLITOXIN: The Explanation for Patients:

Clitoxin® – Botulinum Toxin For Improved Sexual Function In Women

Edited Transcriopt Of Clitoxin (r) Procedure Video For Women
3.25MB ∙ PDF file


Important Legal Disclaimer: This is an off-label use of botulinum toxin; no results are ever guaranteed (no therapy works every time). If considered, it should only be done by a physician who has been properly trained and certified to do the procedure and only after considering all other options, including the option to do nothing, and only after a signed consent that includes the fact that results may vary and are unpredictable for new, off-label therapy and includes all the usual contraindications and possible side effects of botulinum toxin. Click on “Clitoxin” below to see more of the research:

The Women’s Wellness Institute of Dallas is the Premier Clitoxin provider in Texas. Dr. Wesley Brady and I are fully trained. I have been an instructor and teacher worldwide for these procedures. For a Directory of Worldwide Providers go HERE: O-Shot (R).

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For the Lay Public and Medical Professionals: Feminine Wellness Newsletter

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Alinsod Institute


Alinsod Institute Dallas
Women’s Wellness Institute of Dallas
Preston Sherry Plaza
8201 Preston Road Suite 520
Dallas TX 75225
Phone: 945-900-7576

Alinsod Institute Las Vegas
2990 W. Horizon Ridge Parkway, Suite 100
Henderson, NV 89074
Phone: 945-900-7576


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