The Aging Vagina and GSM

GSM is "Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause" that we used to call Vaginal Atrophy and Vaginal Dryness. It happens when you loose skin collagen and elastin as you age. Here is how I manage it.

I have so much to be thankful for. God has blessed me and my family in 2023 as I moved my practice from Laguna Beach, California, to Dallas, TX and Las Vegas, NV. I want to share my blessings with you and release this video at no charge. A gift for the loyal patients of mine who have stayed with me through thick and thin. Thank you.

I posted this video on Sep 10, 2023 on my doctor focused Cosmetic Gynecology Newsletter under the title “Regenerative Medicine in Gynecology.” I have rebranded it for you, my lay audience, to specifically focus it on The Aging Vagina. It was presented to the American College of OBGYN District 4 which represents places such as DC, Georgia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Argentina, Puerto Rico, and the West Indies. This shows you what I think of this problem and how I manage it in my practice in Dallas and Las Vegas. It is cutting edge management copied worldwide. Hope you find it useful. Detailed talks on most topics covered by this Video can be found on my ALINSOD INSTITUTE WEBINARS.

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As a woman ages the amount of estrogen produced by the ovaries starts declining. The steady drop of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone eventually results in menopause at the average age of 51. Menopause is when there are no periods, no bleeding for 12 straight months. The normal range is from age 35 to 65 so there is a very wide range of normal. About 80% of women will get hot flashes, night sweats, feeling of the blahs and less energy during this transitional time called perimenopause and beyond. 100% will get GSM, or the vaginal dryness. 100% will have the pH of their vaginas go from a normal 4 to 6 and higher resulting in messing up the normal balance of bacteria and fungus in the vagina. Yes, those little guys are there normally living in harmony when the pH of the vagina is in the 4s. This results in more urine and vaginal infections. More bladder and kidney infections. More yeast and bacterial vaginitis and Group B Strep infections. Also the inevitable drier vagina and more painful sex. The vagina actually starts shrinking and getting more rigid. It is even harder to get an orgasm at this time and it takes lots more time and lots more work to get that threshold to orgasm achieved. This is the time with more and more women choose to go on bioidentical hormones to get back that normal youthful feeling, moisture, of their youth. If you want to know more about Bioidentical Hormones specifically go to my Webinars HERE. It is on the top right row.

Dr. Wesley Brady and I at the Women’s Wellness Institute in Dallas and Dr. Ed Zimmerman and I at Aesthetic Revolution in Las Vegas are at the forefront of GSM Management for perimenopausal and menopausal women. We aggressively and safely treat women who have had Breast Cancer, women who have had chemotherapy, those who have had their ovaries removed or radiated. We use therapies shown in the video to return blood flow, create new collagen, give back flexibility and stretchiness of skin. We offer the surgeries to recreate the femininity of youth. So take a listen and look at the photos and videos. It is about 28 minutes of opening your eyes and giving Second Chances at the ALINSOD INSTITUTE.

This is truly the problem of the Aging Vagina. As you age, it is harder and harder to defeat Gravity!
100% of women will eventually get just about all of the above symptoms.
Tissues stretch and you start leaking. Nerves get irritated and you start getting lots of urge to pee and have to pee more frequency. Using infections start happening more as you move into menopause.
The blood flow in the vagina goes down. Moisture diminishes as a result. Nerves don’t get the nourishing blood flow. Things can go downhill fast.
Since about 2015 these new therapies have changed the world of GSM Management. Lots of the above treatments got their start at the ALINSOD INSTITUTE such as ThermiVa Radiofrequency, Predictive Permeation, Amniotic Fluid and Exosomes and Carboxytherapy for gynecologic uses.
Lasers for vaginal use were popularized by my esteemed colleagues in Italy, Argentina, and Venezuela. Mona Lisa Touch was the first and most influential.
These take home products are now available in the US. We use and promote JoyLux vFit Diode Laser vaginal therapy. In Europe there is the addition of Infrared Light in the same basic device design.
This his my contribution to modern GSM Treatments. I got ThermiVa FDA approved in 2015 and launched it worldwide.
GSM results in the sogginess of the skin as collagen and elastin are lost. Here is an example of a patient who used ThermiVa radiofrequency to get that youthful appearance and function back.
Radiofrequency thickened the skin and increased the blood flow underneath.
Radiofrequency increased the collagen and elastin and got rid of that see through thin cellophane skin look of the vulva and vagina.
Radiofrequency increased the density of the tissues underneath the surface.
Radiofrequency increased the number of blood vessels and the blood flow under the skin’s surface.
Radiofrequency increased the density of the small nerve fibers.
The nerve functional improvement and less irritability may explain why those treated with ThermiVa had an easier time achieving orgasms and getting less urgency problems with urination.
No question that radio waves tightened the saggy vulva and vagina!
The increase in blood flow resulted in increase in vaginal moisture in the vagina!
Radiowaves shrunk tissues consistently!
Bladders got less spastic and radio waves worked about as good if not better than those drugs that dried your mouth!
Less complications with radio waves than with the drugs to treat overactive bladders.
Radiowaves helped those with irritated thin skin caused by Lichen Sclerosis.
Radiowaves with PRP worked even better than radio waves alone!
Treatments were enduring and could be repeated to give long intervals with no symptoms.
Yearly treatments kept the symptoms at bay.
Radiowaves and Hyaluronic Fillers worked wonders also!
Radiowaves used transanal helped reduce the fecal accidents.
Transanal tighetning and control of nerves worked hand in hand.
Radiowaves and lasers can reduce bladder and vaginal infections.
Platelet Rich Plasma has become a staple for modern GSM treatment.
It comes down to use of your own Growth Factors and Anti-inflammatory Cytokines for GSM issues.
Injectable Amniotic Fluid has worked as good as PRP.
I designed this speculum to make injections easier.
Go here
Before injecting PRP or Amniotic Fluid into the painful red areas.
A few weeks later the red areas are gone and the pain has vanished.
This patient had lots of pain and could not have sex. Even a Q-Tip touching this area caused excruciating pain.
A few weeks later after the injections and radio wave treatments the skin is new and youthful and without pain. She could have intimate relations again.
I designed a kit that had PRP and Hyaluronic Acid put together easily for feminine rejuvenation and called it FemXHA Pro. Your doctor should have this!
I helped create the protocols for using this device for gynecologic uses.
This opened up the water channels to place molecules deep under the skin without needles.
We can put all these things under the skin using Predictive Permeation! What a game changing device!
It really works.
I got the patent for Predictive Permeation for genital use in 2022 and will build this for the world to use hopefully in 2024. Want to invest?!
Carboxytherapy is my Rocket Fuel to rapidly improve GSM and Aging Skin everywhere.
I helped develop this to increase the blood flow in the clitoral vessels.
Orgasms were much easier to achieve with this vasodilating cream!
GSM can be successfully treated and you can get your femininity back!
s my online teaching program for doctors.
I put together all the 20 years of videos I collected and put it all on Gynflix!
I teach everything from Barbie Look Labiaplasty, Clitoral Hood Reduction, Clitoral Suspension and Reduction, Vaginoplasty, Perineoplasty, O-Shot, Vampire Wing Lift, Luksenburg Procedure, ThermiVa, etc.
Find what you are interested in!
Huge collection of Before and After Photos
Huge collection of over 60 short videos for the lay public to see.
And of course my Feminine Wellness Newsletter for the lay public and my Cosmetic Gynecology Newsletter for the practicing physician.

All the services and treatments covered are offered at the ALINSOD INSTITUTE in Dallas and in Las Vegas. Many of my Fellows offer these services worldwide.


Alinsod Institute Dallas
Women’s Wellness Institute of Dallas
Preston Sherry Plaza
8201 Preston Road Suite 520
Dallas TX 75225
Phone: 214-442-0055
Emergencies; 945-900-7576
Fax: 214-442-0056


Alinsod Institute Las Vegas
Aesthetic Revolution Las Vegas
9130 W Post Road Suite 100
Las Vegas, NV 89148
Phone: 702-360-6686


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