Your Online Consult for Labiaplasty Surgery. How I approach who gets what surgery and how I do it. Curious? This is the BEST Labiaplasty Teaching Video made!
Finally finished! Only took me 20 years to get all this content together and compacted into 30 minutes. My life’s work. My treatise on labiaplasty surgery. I dedicate this to all the women out there who have suffered pain and discomfort, humiliation and shame, embarrassment and ridicule. Quit listening to the naysayers that you just have to live with it. You have lots of choices now. Second chances are a blessing. Go grab it! It is my Mother’s Day Gift to the world.
Here are the screenshots of my presentation that can help you follow along my video. Just open up a second browser window and have this set beside the video and follow along. You can review this quickly at another time also. Please share this. I will put it up on my website ( and This is for all 3 of my Substack newsletters:
The title is a little misleading. I cover my approach and my techniques for labiaplasty surgery. Not just the Barbie Look. I just happen to be the one who invented the techniques I demonstrate and also the one who coined the term “Barbie Look” and “Hybrid Look.” I even go into the history of that name.
My disclosures. I am the inventor and patent owner of the Lone Star APS Vaginal Retractor, Alinsod Table, Pelvic Support designs, ThermiVa, Predictive Permeation for Genital Use. I am the inventor of the Barbie Look and Hybrid Look Labiaplasty, Curvilinear Labia Majoraplasty, Lateral/Medial/Vertical Clitoral Hood Reduction, Amniotic Fluid for Genital Use, FemXHA. I developed the protocols for In-Office Awake No-IV Labiaplasty and Vaginoplasty.
I have had a training program since about 2002. I started teaching Cosmetic Gynecology in 2005. I launched Gynflix in 2022.
I had an on-site teaching program in Laguna Beach for 18 years. Trained many of the world’s most renown Cosmetic Gynecologists.
All of this in about 30 minutes! Put your seatbelts on!
The Barbie Look and the Hybrid Look are pretty close cousins. The Barbie Look removes almost all to all the labia minora. The Hybrid Look leaves a peek-a-boo bit of labia minora left. Many prefer this look leaving a little bit of labia left. Both are meant to be below the level of the labia majora so that it provides the most comfort of any labiaplasty surgery. Nothing to pull or tug anymore. You really have to know your anatomy and the tendencies of certain regions of the labia minora that retract more than others. Problems occur when a Rim or standard labiaplasty is intended but the tissues retract so much it ends up looking like an unintended Barbie Look. This is the Master’s Level knowledge your surgeon must know to compensate and then adjust his or her incisions.
Listen to the history of how I got that name “Barbie Look.” Pretty funny. The technique I developed, officially called “Curvilinear Excision Labiaplasty,” is the most precise, most adjustable, most tailorable technique available. One technique to learn with a thousand variations to make it just right for the individual anatomy. No wedge breakdowns. The one thing it cannot do is to retain the dark and ruffled edges a patient may want to keep. For those patients, a wedge is better as it maintains the original appearance of the labia minora. Over 99% of my patients want this dark and ruffled edges removed!
The further West you go the more aggressive the choices seem to be. More Rims on the East Coast and more Barbies on the West Coast. My youngest patient was a Swim Team member. My oldest patient at age 85 wanted those dangling things finally removed! She wished she took care of it decades ago!
Rim: The most conservative approach.
Hybrid: The middle of the road approach.
Still a little peek-a-boo labia left.
Barbie: The most aggressive approach. The Clamshell look. I can remove anal skin tags to make it all look smooth at the same time.
The Most Requested Look in my practice.
Absorbable sutures that go away in 4-6 weeks.
Radiosurgery with this device called “Soniquence.” I also use another radiofrequency device called an “Ellman” and a CO2 Laser called “LightScalpel.” Remember, it’s the Wizard and not the Wand.
Do you fit in this inclusion category?
If you are not sure you want the Barbie Look then DO NOT PICK THAT LOOK! If you want to retain the natural dark edges and ruffled look to your labia then do not pick my technique. You are better served with a Wedge Labiaplasty.
This device is amazing. It pushes the numbing cream deep so that you are numb when I do my injections of local anesthesia.
This is how Predictive Permeation is done. A comfortable wand.
Pick the safest and most precise technique out there. I have taught this to hundreds of doctors worldwide. Tried and True!
If you are traveling from far away or on a plane then this is a great option to keep you numb for about 3 days. It costs about $600.
The video will show you my Alinsod Technique.
I have a feeling lots of doctors will copy this picture and use it to explain the degree of labial reduction possible. Don’t break copyright rules! No wedge technique is capable of delivering the precision that I will share with you on the steps below and the attached video.
First find the Frenular Crease.
Make your dots on the inside. Do both sides.
Make your dots on the outside.
Make your dots on the outside again.
Use Canal incisions with the radiofrequency tip and debulk all that labia.
This is the start of the video. Local anesthesia first. Just drops of it so the tissues are not distorted. You have to know where to inject the drops.
Place landmark dots.
Excise and remove the marked tissues. Here I am showing removal of perineal tissue to make the opening refreshed and a touch tighter in this case.
Incise over the clitoral hood reduction markings.
Incise the opposite side.
Start suturing after you stop all bleeding.
A touch of ThermiVa to improve moisture, help bladder control, and increase sensitivity of the clitoral and G-Spot nerves.
Injecting PRP (platelet rich plasma) into the G-Spot area. Notice my Alinsod O-Shot Retractor. You can also do the Clitoxin procedure and inject PRP with a Toxin such as Botox.
The O-Shot or Clitoxin done here. Right into the body of a numb clitoris.
Adding a little plumping of the labia majora using FemXHA. It has PRP with Hyaluronic Acid that is great for moisture/volume/healing. Go to and see what it can do.
It is looking good! Youthful, nothing poking out. That clamshell look.
All this was removed! I put it back on to show the difference. Removing the perineal tissue.
Removing the labia minora and the clitoral hood shown here.
This is the Before picture.
This is the After picture about 6 weeks out.
This is the Before picture from the patient’s point of view.
This is the After picture from the patient’s point of view.
Example of a teenager and her Barbie/Hybrid Look with just that peek-a-boo labia.
20 year old and her clamshell look.
In her 30s and wanting a refreshed clamshell look and getting the clitoral hood below the level of the labia majora.
Woman in her 40s who finally got rid of the pulling and tugging and outlining. She loves everything tucked in and out of the way.
Woman in her mid 60s who felt deflated and not very sexy. I did her Barbie Look Labiaplasty and Clitoral Hood Reduction, ThermiVa, and O-Shot. Now she has that confidence and loves her 2nd Chance in life attitude.
Left a little bit of a peek-a-boo minora and reduced the width of her clitoral hood.
She wanted labia left in a Hybrid appearance and did not like the dark skin and saggy majora. I did a Hybrid Look Labiaplasty with the Hood Reduction and used ThermiVa to tighten her majora.
This patient was most concerned about the dark labial edges. A Hybrid Look was best with removal of some perineal skin to smoothen it out.
This patient was on Testosterone for years and her clitoris had grown double. She wanted a Barbie Look labiaplasty with a Clitoral Reduction and also a Vertical Clitoral Hood Reduction to make it all look much more petite. She was happy!
My patient flew in from Eastern Europe wanting not just a Barbie/Hybrid labiaplasty but to fix the gaping vagina and to tighten the looseness inside. I added a labia majoraplasty to get rid of the Camel Toes she had when she was standing up. It outlined in her clothing.
The same radiofrequency technology can be used to Feather and Smoothen botched labiaplasties to give you that beautiful smooth clamshell look.
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Really appreciate you watching all the way to the end! Best wishes to you in your research and journey!
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DALLAS OFFICE Alinsod Institute Dallas Women’s Wellness Institute of Dallas Preston Sherry Plaza 8201 Preston Road Suite 520 Dallas TX 75225 Phone: 945-900-7576 Secondary Phone: 214-442-0055 Fax: 214-442-0056 Contact: Dian:
LAS VEGAS OFFICE Alinsod Institute Las Vegas Aesthetic Revolution Las Vegas 9130 W Post Road Suite 100 Las Vegas, NV 89148 Phone: 945-900-7576 Secondary Phone: 702-360-6686 Contact: Dian:
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