The Luksenburg System for the Leaky Bladder Lands in America
Dr. Red Alinsod and Dr. Judy Wei became the first U.S. trained surgeons to offer safe and non-mesh office procedure to treat the worst leaky bladder and saggy labia majora using PCL threads and PRP.
I wanted to share with you my amazing week with friends and mentors Ariel Luksnburg and Jorge Gaviria. A video and photo log for you to enjoy.
Ariel Luksenburg, M.D., a gynecologist from Uruguay, introduced his system for the treatment of severe leaky bladder to the U.S. in 2021 at the International Society for Cosmetogynecology Pre-Congress workshop in Fort Lauderdale, FL. The cadaver lab centered on female genital aesthetic surgery. Dr. Luksenburg demonstrated his technique to dozens of surgeons from around the world including me. The course was repeated in 2022 and most recently in March of 2023 and I attended all of them. This time around the System obtained FDA clearance for the threads and patented delivery. I loved the idea of an in-office, awake, NO-IV, and NO Mesh procedure for stress incontinence (leakage of urine that happens with activities such as laughing, sneezing, coughing, jumping). The last innovation for stress incontinence was about 2000-2002 when the transobturator sling was introduced to America. I helped design and still use the Desara Sling from Caldera Medical. It is just the best and most elegant design using nylon mesh. After hearing that the Luksenburg System patent was granted, the PCL threads becoming European CE and US FDA compliant, and after seeing the 3 year data presented, I became a believer. I was flabbergasted and honored when Ariel Luksenburg and Jorge Gaviria invited me to become the first surgeon in the U.S. to be trained, perform, and to teach The Luksenburg System. They committed to also train my California colleague Judy Wei, MD. So I prayed about it, planned, and got trained on July 24 and 25, 2023, in Irvine, California, at Dr. Judy Wei’s beautiful office.
The video is an intro and explanation of the Luksenburg System . I added the section on labia majora tightening using PCL threads and Dr. Luksenburg’s special PRP potion to tighten and regenerate tissues. I offer both of these now in my practice.
Enjoy my travel log below highlighting the fun we had. Dr. Jorge Gaviria and Dr. Ariel Luksenburg teach worldwide, and I will be teaching doctors in the USA. The photos are chronologic and shows the evolution of my relationship with Drs. Luksenburg and Gaviria from 2021 to 2023. Watch out for more detailed videos on this procedure onmy Video Shorts section on Gynflix.comcoming soon.
March 2020, Marina Medical, in Fort Lauderdale, FL, was the sight of the Pelosi Cadaver Lab training program. I was blessed to see this grow from 2020 to 2023. I encourage my grads to go to this course.
Marco Pelosi III from New Jersey is leading the growth and education of Cosmetic Gynecology in the US and worldwide. We have a two decade friendship that grows stronger each year.
Marco Pelosi II (shown teaching) and Marco Pelosi III organized the courses on female genital anatomy and surgery. This was in 2020.
My first meeting with Dr. Ariel Luksenburg in March 2021.
World leader and friend Marco Pelosi III has been unrelenting in his pursuit to educate doctors worldwide. He is the one who found Dr. Ariel Luksenburg and introduced him to the United States. Photo Circa March 2023.
Luksenburg System and Fotona Laser trainer extraordinaire Jorge Gaviria, M.D., has been influential in teaching worldwide.
Dr. Luksenburg and Dr. Gaviria spearheaded the teaching for three straight years and is still ongoing worldwide today with even more urgency and vigor.
Surgeons from around the world trained with Drs. Pelosi, Luksenburg and Gaviria at the Marina Medical Cadaver lab in Fort Lauderdale, FL.
A tremendous success in the “L” Luksenburg System.
It was a HUGE success at the lab. Now onto the Congress!
March 2023 at ISCG, Dr. Luksenburg presented his grounbreaking research and clinical work to the general audience after the cadaver lab. It was a hit.
Dr. Ariel Luksenburg received the coveted award for Teaching Excellence.
Very very few get one of these. Charles Runels of O-Shot fame was the other recipient for his ISCG Outstanding Contribution to Cosmetic Surgery.
Roadtrip with Ariel Luksenburg in Southern California
I love it when doctors visit me and train with me. Even better when I get trained on something new and novel. But all training and no fun make Red a boring boy. So when Ariel landed on a Friday and finally got some rest I made sure he had a fun Saturday and Sunday. Ariel had never been to California and he was on a tight schedule with a trip to Illinois, then home, then Peru the following days. Brutal. So We hopped into my truck and headed out to explore The OC and LA. Enjoy our wild ride and adventure. Enjoy the training photos at the end.
Ariel landed on a Friday and I met up with him on Saturday and started our Southern California adventure. First we visited my original Laguna Beach office where I had done the bulk of my inventing such as Lone Star Retractor, ThermiVa, Barbie Look Labiaplasty, Curvilinear Majoraplasty, In-Office Vaginoplasty. I had left this office 8 months ago and moved to Irvine.
Lots of friends and famous surgeons have stood at this spot for a picture. Laguna Beach is where my Cosmetic Gynecology career started. This is right on the Pacific Coast Highway 1.
Next we drove a few miles down the road to where tumescent liposuction got its start in San Juan Capistrano, California. I lived just one mile up the road before my move to Dallas. Jeffrey Klein is a Giant among Giants.
We took a hike to Helicopter Hill in San Juan Capistrano and I showed Ariel where Richard Nixon’s helicopter used to land when he traveled to his Western White House in San Clemente one city south. There is a clearing behind Ariel with a faded yellow or white sign buried in mud with a letter “H” I believe.
We then went to Glendale Forrest Lawn where dozens of Hollywood’s Stars and Who’s Who are buried. Ariel was impressed of the size, serenity, and grandeur. We visited my dear mom and I gave her some beautiful flowers.
Next up was Art Center College of Design in the Pasadena Hills. Ariel loves cars so I took him to where the top Transportation Designer were educated.
Lots of history here.
We could have spent the whole day here but we had miles to go for our LA adventure. Next stop was the Apple Store in Glendale, California.
After going to the Apple Store in Glendale to buy an iPhone, we hit the Cheesecake Factory for a decadent breakfast. Hey, we were hungry!
The Warner Brothers studio lot in Burbank was next up. Wish we had time for the back lot. Found the water tower though.
We were pretty silly tourists. I egged Ariel on to do this so it is not his fault.
Drove up Los Feliz Boulevard, passed the Greek Theatre, and came here.
Griffith Park Observatory was busy and we ran into a throng of Italian high school kids filled with volume and vigor!
This place has not changed since my first visit in 1970.
We could see the Hollywood sign in the distance.
Can you see the Hollywood sign behind Ariel?
it was a bit cloudy but a glorious day to show Ariel the crazy city of LA
We drove around Beverly Hills, Bel Air, UCLA, Brentwood, down Sunset to the Sea and could go no further than Will Rogers State Park. We took a break. Drove up PCH to Santa Monica, and headed back to the OC.
Monday, July 24 and 25, we trained here in Dr. Judy Wei’s Irvine Office. It is a beautiful place with its own surgery center and loving staff. I am here 1-2 weeks every month to continue my 2 decades in OC.
Dr. Wei has a roomy office and perfect for teaching. We started in earnest and got the bookwork started and completed.
Jorge had just flown in from IMCAS Americas in Columbia a few hours prior but was bright eyed and bushy tailed (or maybe bushed and on fumes). Little did I know that his airlines was making him fly home earlier in the evening.
Where else can you get this personalized and intense training from the inventor himself and from his personally picked trainer for the world?! Dr. Wei had lots of questions for Ariel and Jorge.
The whole team was trained in detail. All the staff needed to know the lingo and what was actually done for the patients. We wanted to be efficient.
Ariel showed us how his unique Urethral Lifter provided safety for the procedure.
We saw the location of the thread placement.
Jorge showed how the specialized speculum would be rotated from side to side.
Perhaps the most significant info I learned was that the Luksenburg System is indicated for failed slings! Now I have something to try on patients who have had failed TVT/TOT. Without the need for mesh.
Another thing I learned that the PRP system used by Dr. Luksenburg was different. It had the ability to rapidly shrink tissues upon contact and give immediate results. Life PRF. He would not share his secret sauce with me. We used it on all our cases and were definitely impressed.
A huge THANK YOU to Jorge and Ariel for training Judy Wei, MD, to join me as the primary surgeons doing and eventually teaching their procedure in California and beyond. Dr. Weis is an excellent surgeon and teacher.
Here is the System. From the left to right: Long Introducer bayonets x2, Kelly clamp in the back, Urethral Lifter up front with the black handle, two smaller Introducers with black handles, the 3 different threads (Net Threads, Pluri Threads, Corkscrew Thread), and the Luksenburg Speculum. $2,500 for the kit.
Marisol drew the blood to obtain Platelet Rich Plasma
Dr. Wei carefully prepared the blood.
Jorge reivewed, reviewed, and reviewed us again. Repetition is the key. Jorge had airline issues and had to leave on Monday evening. A bummer. I missed out on showing him my OC world.
Lots of hands-on training over two days.
The PCL Net Threads
4 Net Threads, 4 Pluri Threads (Horsetail), 20 Screw Threads
Ariel’s GyCo PRP
Impeccable Teamwork was like watching a ballet.
PRP Injection and the O-Shot
You can’t see the results inside the vagina but you can surely see the majora tightening using the PCL Threads and GyCo PRP!
Thank you Marisol for the smooth flowing days. These training days don’t happen without you.
Thank you Brenda for the smiles and support.
Thank you Dr. Ariele Luksenburg for entrusting your legacy for America to us. Dr. Wei will be providing her services in Irvine, California.
The Man of the Moment and the Team that made this happen.
Our reward for our intensive training was a trip to Dana Point Harbor and an early dinner of Macadamia Crusted Mahi Mahi.
A visit to my dogs was a necessity also. Ariel has been a dog lover all his life and wanted to meet Capo (Golden) and Butter (Doberman in back). The doggie adored an obvious Dog Person!
Our day ended at Handley’s Hand Made Ice Cream. Sweet!
So, will the Luksenburg System replace slings made out of nylon? It may for many but perhaps not all. It is not covered by insurance and the incontinence procedure costs $5,500. Hospital/Surgery Center and Anesthesiology costs are eliminated. The results appear equal to and probably better than traditional slings. The procedure takes about 15-30 minutes and the safety profile is definitely better than the slings. There is no nylon mesh that can erode through tissues and there is no potential for Obturator Nerve damage or bowel damage. The risks of bladder and urethral injury is probably zero. It is done under local anesthesia in my office. It looks like it can help just about all stress urinary incontinence patients from mild to moderate to severe leakage to failed prior slings! Does it last as long? Not sure as we only have about 3 year data. The 99% cured/improved results are impressive at 29 months average and Dr. Luksenburg has patients many more years out with enduring results.
Here are the Pros and Cons and clinical results for the System:
The Results are Impressive
The results at 29 months with 2042 patients is very promising. So this means no leakage at all in 85% and improvement in the other 14%. 1% failed.
The Luksenburg System for Stress Urinary Incontinence and Tissue Laxity is available at my 3 locations below. Dr. Wei will be offering her excellent services in Irvine. For those with Overactive Bladder/Urgency/Frequency I also offer the PRP O-Shot, Amniotic Fluid Shot, ThermiVa, EmSella Chair, VTone. We call these combination our “Leaky Bladder Special.“
DALLAS OFFICE Alinsod Institute Dallas Women’s Wellness Institute of Dallas Preston Sherry Plaza 8201 Preston Road Suite 520 Dallas TX 75225 Phone: 214-442-0055 Fax: 214-442-0056 Contact: Rachel:
IRVINE OFFICE Wei Aesthetic Institute, Alinsod Institute Irvine 16300 San Canyon, Suite 800 Irvine, CA 92618 949-499-5311 Main Line 949-825-6907 Fax Line Contact: Marisol:
LAS VEGAS LOCATION Alinsod Institute Las Vegas Aesthetic Revolution Las Vegas 9130 W Post Road Suite 100 Las Vegas, NV 89148 Phone: 702-360-6686 Email:
I hope you have found this interesting and useful. I spend a great deal of time and effort to bring you updated/current and useful information to improve your lives. Be a paying subscriber for only $10 a month and support my mission. Go to my Gynflix website and view over 30+ short summary videos of all the procedures for Cosmetic Gynecology for $1. They include labiaplasty, vaginoplasty, O-Shot, Vampire Facial, Vampire Wing Lifts, Anal Skin Tag Excision, etc.
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