The Synergy of Energy & Biologics: Red Alinsod, MD, Presents in Austin on Thursday, December 12, 2024!
Special invitation to the Medical Community! Meet me in Austin this Thursday, December 12, 2024, and listen in on my decade of experience with ThermiVa RF. You may even win a FREE THERMIVA!
Sending out a personal invitation to your, my readers, to go to Austin, Texas, Celling BioScience and Thermi headquarters, this Thursday, December 12, to listen and watch as I share my decades of ThermiVa experience to help your practice. Doctors, Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, Aestheticians, Medical Assistants, Med Spa Staff and Managers are all welcome! Give yourself a chance to win a brand new Thermi RF+ valued at $99,500! Really, we are giving one away to a lucky attendee! Read the stuff below and get registered. Would love to meet you! I will also give away two free 3 month subscription to Gynflix, the world’s best Cosmetic Gynecology e-Learning platform. For those of you who are non-medical lay public, go and tell your doctor, your nurse, your favorite injector, your aesthetician to see me in Austin, Texas, to learn about ThermiVa!
REGISTER HERE: REGISTRATION: Click any image below
We are excited to invite you to an exclusive event hosted by Dr. Red Alinsod at Thermi’s corporate headquarters in Austin. Join us for an evening of fantastic food, cocktails, and live demonstrations of the latest innovations in energy and biology technology.
This special "Welcome to the Neighborhood" event will feature a Thermi RF+ giveaway (a $99,500 value), which will be awarded to one lucky attendee! Additionally, we will be launching a new partnership program for professionals in the Central Texas Area, designed to help you elevate your practice and enhance patient care.
Dr. Alinsod is a recognized leader in both energy-based and biological treatments, named one of the top Cosmetic GYN doctors in America and served as Chairman of the Congress on Aesthetic Vulvovaginal Surgery (CAVS). With over a decade of experience teaching aesthetic vulvovaginal surgery, performing thousands of world-class procedures, and lecturing all over the world on the benefits of ThermiVa, Dr. Alinsod will share valuable insights on how these technologies can attract new patients and empower women to take control of their health and beauty.
We want to invite the Med Spa + Wellness & AestheticsCommunity across Texas to join us to hear from Dr. Red Alinsod,the inventor of THERMIVa™, for an IN-PERSON exclusivediscussion on the future of intimate wellness at our headquartersin Austin, Texas.
Dr. Alinsod will explore how Med Spas and Wellness Practices can integrate innovative solutions to meet the growing demandfor intimate wellness services that make a real difference inwomen’s lives.
Dr. Alinsod has taught aesthetic vulvovaginal surgery for over adecade, performed thousands of word class procedures, and haslectured extensively all over the world on how ThermiVa canbring more patient's in the door and help women take control oftheir beautiful!
THERMIVa™ is an FDA-approved, in-office treatment that usesradiofrequency technology to address conditions such as looseskin, dryness, and reduced sensitivity for women's intimateareas. Dr. Alinsod will share his expertise on how this innovative,non-invasive & non-ablative procedure is transforming women'shealth, offering a safe, effective solution for vulvovaginalrejuvenation without hormones or downtime!
This is a unique opportunity to connect with other professionalsin the Med Spa & Wellness Community over light hors d'oeuvres& drinks and hear from one of the leading experts in the field.
We hope you can join us for an evening of great conversation, food, and exciting new opportunities.
4719 S Congress Ave, Austin, TX 78745, USA