I invented ThermiVa and got it FDA approved and into the market in 2015. Over 250,000 cases worldwide. It is the Gold Standard for Non-Surgical Feminine Restoration for various conditions.
I thought of the concept of radiofrequency for vaginal use back in 2005. It all started as a cutting tool for labiaplasty. By 2009 I got a radiofrequency device called Pelleve used for tightening the face and body skin. Why not tighten vulvar and vaginal skin I thought? I built some prototypes with Ellman International but it never got past the handshake with the CEO. After that setback, 3 years later, I was asked by Thermi to design the device in 2013, developed it in 2014 with my MIT engineers, got it FDA Cleared in 2015, and finally obtained the patent in 2017. Now it is a Standard for treatment of conditions such as GSM (Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause or Vaginal Dryness and Painful Sex), vulvar and vaginal laxity or looseness, reduced sensitivity, vaginal gas sounds. This is a primer video so you can see how it is done in the office. Hope this opens your eyes that there are amazing treatments out there to regain and maintain your youthful femininity.
Follow me in 2024 on my new FB Page called Vagenius. That is where all my short marketing posts and videos will be. On Instagram follow me as VageniusMD.On TicTok I will be Vagenius. Creating content now and will launch in 2024 shortly! Please tell your friends and help me expand my growing audience.
The patent given to me in 2017 to help solve the problems I describe below.
The various problems ThermiVa and other radiofrequency devices can help with. SUI is stress urinary incontinence or leakage with activities. OAB is overactive bladder. UTI is urinary incontinence.
In summary, more new collagen for thickness of skin, more elastin for normal stretch of skin, more blood vessel formation and blood flow for more moisture, and then potential for increase in the density of small nerve bundles to increase sensitivity.
This is what low radiofrequeqncy does again.
Approval for the US to help all these dermatologic conditions.
Approval for the European Union includes the tightening of the vulva and vagina.
You treat inside and outside. It tightens in both places and increases blood flow in both places. It also thickens the skin in both places.
Warm and comfortable and exceptionally safe. No needles poking you. No smoke or fumes or need for any anesthesia.
The studies showing the improvement in the tissues inside and out.
My study showing ThermiVa treatment resulted in improvement of sensitivity and less time to achieve orgasms.
Definite skin tightening after only 1 treatment.
Definite and visible tightening of skin after 3 treatments a month apart.
You can maintain the beauty with periodic touchups of a single treatment 6-12 months apart.
Yep, zero downtime and no pain.
Moisture starts to appear after about 2 months.
Less bulging tissues and more moisture and more comfort with sex.
You can think up the bulging tissues and avoid surgery in mild to moderate prolapse of bladder and rectum.
You can reduce or eliminate symptoms in many cases if you start early enough.
The shrinkage can be very dramatic in many patients.
I was able to eliminate the prolapse over a 4 year span with regular treatments. No surgery was ever needed! Don’t miss those touch ups every 6-12 months!
I shrunk the tissues right under the urethra and helped reduce the leakage of urine.
When combined with platelet rich plasma ThermiVa is able to control the symptoms of itch and and pain of Lichen Sclerosis.
You can also use Hylauronic Acid with ThermiVa and get rid of a painful vaginal opening called Vulvar Vestibulitis.
Do these once a month for 3 months then maintain it every 6-12 months and. you can pretty much stop the aging process of the vulva and vagina. I have over a decade of clinical proof. Patients I have treated over ten years ago look younger in the vulvovaginal region than when we first started!
You will find various radiofrequency devices in many gynecology and plastic surgery and dermatology offices now. Names include ThermiVa, Morpheus 8, EmFemme. ThermiVa is the one that started it all.
Go find a provider near you.
For more information go to www.thermiva.com for the company website. They have a doctor’s directory. I have no affiliation with them.
For more information and more photos go to my website: www.thermiva.org
For a more detailed video you can watch this ThermiVa treatment that covered the Labia Majora, vaginal canal, and anal canal. There are no words, only background music. I used to use this when I lectured and described the procedure:
For the actual History of how radiofrequency in gynecology came around watch this short 4 minute video below I made several years ago for use in my teaching programs:
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