We will take a deep dive into Hormone Replacement Therapy and the use of Bioidentical Hormones. My Fellow, Amy Brenner, MD, has an amazing practice in Mason, Ohio, performing Cosmetic Gynecology and management of hormones. She also has a unique and very patient centered HealthiHer Podcast that I find so very useful to listen to. She is able to interview Top Doctors in their specialties to bring out pearls and gems for a healthier life. Listen in and watch as Amy interviews renown hormone expert Jeffery Dach, MD, from Davie, Florida. Thank you Amy for sharing your Episode 93 Podcast with us. Thank you Dr. Dach for your insight and generosity. You both have helped me provide better care for my own Bioidentical Hormone patients here in Dallas, Texas.
Red Alinsod, MD (red@alinsodinstitute.com, www. alinsodinstitute.com,www.gynflix.com)
Dr. Amy Brenner’s Home Page at www.dramybrenner.com

Restore Your Balance
Women typically start experiencing hormonal changes around the age of 35. These symptoms may continue to worsen as a woman ages. From loss of interest in sex and vaginal dryness, to decreased concentration, poor energy levels, hot flashes, night sweats, and insomnia; we are all impacted differently. Women no longer need to suffer from these debilitating symptoms.
Bio-identical hormone therapy for women refers to hormones that are structurally and chemically identical to our endogenous (or natural) hormones
Hormone optimization / hormone therapy for Women in Cincinnati can help with many of the symptoms of hormonal decline but also can reduce and sometimes even help reverse many diseases associated with aging. There is a lot of published data showing how some hormones reduce the risks of: cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, macular degeneration, cataracts, improves immune function and lowers cholesterol.
Testosterone Benefits
Contributes to muscle mass, strength
Decreases fat
Increases exercise tolerance
Enhances sense of well-being
Increases libido
Supports a healthy cardiovascular system
Lowers cholesterol
Reduces blood sugar
Increases bone density
Estrogen Benefits
Protects against heart disease and stroke
Increases bone density
Reduces risk of Alzheimer’s disease
Protects against vaginal atrophy (vaginal dryness)
Helps with urinary incontinence
Treats hot flashes and night sweats
Progesterone Benefits
Prevents Estrogen dominance
Promotes breast health (along with Testosterone)
Protects against uterine cancer, breast cancer, fibrocystic disease
Helps women relax and sleep better
We prescribe hormones in the form of topical creams, injections or pellet therapy. We use both traditional FDA approved and compounded bioidentical hormones. Progesterone, when indicated, is usually given as an oral capsule or sublingual route. There are pros/cons to each method.
We will discuss with each patient which option is best for their individual needs. We do not prescribe oral Estrogen or testosterone due to the increased risk of blood clots, including stroke, pulmonary embolism and heart attack. We also do not prescribe long term use of synthetic progestins for menopausal management (Provera, Prempro, Activella etc) due to overwhelming data in the medical literature showing the risks with progestins.
Testosterone +/- Estradiol pellets are placed with a local anesthetic, through a 3 mm incision in the hip or buttocks. The procedure is done here in our office by one of our providers in about three minutes and is relatively painless. You will leave the office with adhesive tape covering the wound. This will be removed in four days. Benefits are usually enjoyed within two weeks and last for approximately 3-4 months for women. We ask that you do not participate in any intense exercise for 2-3 days, as well as avoid soaking in water (bathtub, swimming pool) for 3 days.
Advantages include:
Testosterone/Estradiol is delivered in a slow and steady fashion
Mimicks the body’s inherent physiology
Superior results
Enhanced compliance (insertions 3-4 times a year)
No risk of transfer of hormones to family members
Hormone Levels monitored via blood-work
We prescribe hormones in the form of topical creams, injections or pellet therapy. We use both traditional FDA approved and compounded bioidentical hormones. Progesterone, when indicated, is usually given as an oral capsule or sublingual route. There are pros/cons to each method.
We will discuss with each patient which option is best for their individual needs. We do not prescribe oral Estrogen or testosterone due to the increased risk of blood clots, including stroke, pulmonary embolism and heart attack. We also do not prescribe long term use of synthetic progestins for menopausal management (Provera, Prempro, Activella etc) due to overwhelming data in the medical literature showing the risks with progestins.
Testosterone +/- Estradiol pellets are placed with a local anesthetic, through a 3 mm incision in the hip or buttocks. The procedure is done here in our office by one of our providers in about three minutes and is relatively painless. You will leave the office with adhesive tape covering the wound. This will be removed in four days. Benefits are usually enjoyed within two weeks and last for approximately 3-4 months for women. We ask that you do not participate in any intense exercise for 2-3 days, as well as avoid soaking in water (bathtub, swimming pool) for 3 days.
6413 Thornberry Ct.Mason, OH 45040
Dr. Jeffrey Dach’s Home Page at www.drdach.com:
Intro: Stay Healthy with Dr. Jeffrey Dach, M.D.
Like many people after years in the daily grind of a heavy work schedule, my health eventually declined, and I acquired medical problems of chronic fatigue, aches and pains, and insomnia. Being a physician myself, with 25 years experience with hospital based medicine, I knew that current medical practice using drugs or surgery could not be expected to help. After trying a number of different doctors and clinics, I stumbled on the idea of natural medicine and then began the road back to recovery. As a physician, I found this new body of knowledge fascinating, and I continued to study and attend medical meetings covering this topic of natural medicine.
As of December 2005, I started a new medical practice located at:
7450 Griffin Road, Suite 190
Davie, Florida 33314
Office telephone : 954-792-4663
Returning to clinical medicine was easy for me since my original training was in clinical medicine, including working as an Emergency Room Doctor in Illinois. Our office practice specializes in bio-identical hormones, natural thyroid and other natural medicine therapies.
Bio-identical Hormones are Superior
Current medical practice uses synthetic hormones which are not found in the human body, and have many adverse side-effects. Instead of the chemically modified synthetic patented hormones, our clinic uses bio-identical hormones (identical to those found in the human body).
Laboratory Studies - Blood Testing Panel
In most cases, your labs will be covered by your health insurance. We use either Quest Lab or LabCorp (depending on your insurance coverage). The blood testing panel is extensive and complete, and tailored to your individual health issues.
Weight Loss, Diet and Lifestyle: You will work closely with a nurse/nutritionist/herbalist who is on staff at the office who will assist you with diet and lifestyle modifications. Our nurse/nutritionist will also explain our weight loss program, and assist you along the journey as your personal coach.
Drugs versus Nutritional Supplements?
We prefer to use safe nutritional supplements having no adverse side effects whenever possible, rather than patented drugs. However, patented drugs have an important role when selected for the appropriate indication. All pharmaceuticals are, of course, FDA approved. Nutritional supplements recommended by the clinic are carefully selected for quality and efficacy, as described here, and are available to our patients, only.
American medicine has lost its way. In Biodentical Hormones 101 author Dr. Jeffrey Dach uncovers the ills in today's health care system and suggests ways to get it back on track. Through a series of articles that originally appeared on his Internet blog, Dach provides evidence that biodentical hormones are safer and more effective than synthetic hormones. He describes how to win the information war and take control of your health. Questioning the prevailing medical dogma, he covers a wide range of topics related to health and health care: Natural thyroid Iodine supplementation Selenium Dangers of GMO food Avoiding bad drugs Limitations of cancer screening with mammograms PSA testing Thyroid ultrasound Low-dose naltrexone Future of medicine Health insurance companies Dispensing the truth about drugs, health care, and medicine, Biomedical Hormones 101 uses information to empower America to embrace a more holistic approach to health care.
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Alinsod Institute Dallas
Women’s Wellness Institute of Dallas
Preston Sherry Plaza
8201 Preston Road Suite 520
Dallas TX 75225
Phone: 945-900-7576 (Dian White, Medical Assistant)
EMail Dian White: dian@womenswellnessinstitute.com
Main Website: www.alinsodinstitute.com
I am happy to take care of you in Dallas!
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